

You are tired after a little stressful day, so what to do?

Go out and enjoy the night life in Tirana.

Drink, sing karaoke, dance. You can find anything in Tirana.

The best way to follow the night life events is to walk around the city. Most of the events are announced on the trees on the streets.

The bars and discos are distributed all around the city. The most easily accessible neighbourhood is the Bllok. Many small to medium size clubs in bar - cafe style are located in the Bllok. The drinks are quite affordable compared to other big cities in Europe. Albanian people are friendly. There is no need to worry if you are alone, you will meet new friends in the Bllok. People who are part of the business world would be the majority in the Bllok night life. Usually young professionals at the beginning of their career enjoy the night life in the Bllok.

Another vicinity with a big number of clubs is Rruga Elbasan. The university city acommodates a big number of students. They are the main actors of the night life on Rruga Elbasan. For the one who is looking for night life with a lot of energy, or who would like to meet teenagers over 18, this is the place to search for a club.

The third group of clubs are the ones a little away from the city center. These clubs host a little older people with relatively more formal attitude. As a result of the character of the customers, the service is also a little more formal compared to the night life in the Bllok or Rruga Elbasan. Transportation might be problem to go to these clubs. If gone by taxi and return will be made by taxi, the telephone number of the driver should be taken for contact for the return ride. It is not easy to find taxis at discos away from the downtown.

During the summer, it is common to go to discos in Durres, Golem and east of Tirana (towards Elbasan). Durres and Golem are cities with beaches. During the summer, they attract a lot of tourists, especially from Macedonia, Kosova and Montenegro. These tourists make the night life very colorful. The clubs on the east of Tirana usually provide a swimming pool too. During the day time, they are used for swimming and enjoying the sun. During the night, these places are loud discos. The most common party type seen in that part is the university graduation parties, especially in June and July.